. macam apa bahasa Inggris
- .: .; "
- macam: ilk; kind of; kinds; like; sort; species; style;
- macam apa: what for a
- apa: what; what was; whatever; what’ll; eh; which;
- orang macam apa ini: what manner of a man
- seperti apa macam: what type of
- macam: ilk; kind of; kinds; like; sort; species; style; class; description; shape; quality; genre; type; face; grouping; as; form; similar to; variety; role model; classification; characteristic; model; pa
- macam-macam: variety; various; all sorts of
- dan macam-macam lagi: and what not
- kejahatan macam-macam: evil; bad to the core
- kepandaian macam-macam: versatility
- macam-macam aznil: macam macam aznil
- macam-macam buah berry: currant
- macam-macam koordinasi: kinds of coordination
- macam-macam laporan: kinds of report